We have received this message from the National Library of Australia:
The Library is seeking your feedback on the extent to which our digitised material and online collections meet your research or study needs. We would like to know the following:
- how you hear about online versions of our collections
- how you search Trove to find them, and
- what you use them for.
We encourage you to forward this survey to your research networks.
About the survey
- Approximately 10-15 minutes to complete: at this link or paste this URL into your browser https://nla.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_4Sj8LZOwYLA0Kax?Q_DL=cByPURV82jIpV2J_4Sj8LZOwYLA0Kax_MLRP_cvCf0LdZBKy2gm1&Q_CHL=email
- The survey will be open from 5 December 2017 to 31 January 2018.
5 December 2017