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Piggott, Michael: A man of the mind: John Hirst 1942-2016

Piggott, Michael

A man of the mind: John Hirst 1942-2016‘, Honest History, 16 February 2016

Honest History committee member and distinguished archivist, Michael Piggott, reviews the work of John Hirst, who died recently. This obituary draws on the tributes of a number of Hirst’s fellow historians.

He influenced me deeply as a historian, even though I found his politics
frustratingly difficult to pigeon-hole. He was a man of the mind and generous
in his attention. Vale, John. (Janine Rizzetti, The Resident Judge of Port Phillip blog)

Besides the tributes mentioned in the attached obituary there is this from Terry Russell in New Matilda. Frank Bongiorno in The Monthly.

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