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Nethercote, JR, ed.: Liberalism and federation

Nethercote, JR, ed.

Liberalism and the Australian Federation, Federation Press, Annandale, NSW, 2001

‘Recounts the story of Australia’s nationhood as the story of Australian Liberalism. This is the first book put together by the Liberal Party of Australia for many years.’ (blurb) The opening overview chapter, by the editor and Anthony Staley, is here. ‘No ideas’, the authors claim, ‘have been more important to Australia’s political development, both in the colonial era and in the period since federation on 1 January 1901, than Liberalism and liberal values.’

Other chapters cover aspects of liberalism, the history of the anti-Labor parties in their various incarnations, Deakin, Menzies and Fraser, and a range of policy areas. There are informative appendices with plenty of dates. Authors include historians and political scientists. See also. Reviews are here (comparing it with this book about Labor), here and here.