Ministerial changes minor as Coalition settles down for another term

The Prime Minister has announced portfolios, with Ministers to be sworn in later in the week. The Hon. Darren Chester MP remains as Minister for Veterans and Defence Personnel, with a slight tweak in his title, though the department is still the Department of Veterans’ Affairs. Mr Chester was previously Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, Minister for Defence Personnel, and Minister assisting the Prime Minister for the Centenary of ANZAC. The change reflects the passing of the Anzac centenary.

Other ministerial changes of note include the Hon. Mark Coulton MP as Minister for Regional Services and other things, the Hon. Sussan Ley MP as Minister for the Environment. Both of these Ministers will have a role in investigation of the proposed $498m extensions to the Australian War Memorial, the first as Minister in charge of the National Capital Authority and the Minister likely to refer the extensions project to the Public Works Committee, the second as Minister with oversight of national heritage matters, as there will be national heritage consultation on the project.

Then there is Senator the Hon. Linda Reynolds as Minister for Defence, the Hon. Paul Fletcher MP with responsibility for the Arts, and the Hon. Stuart Robert MP, a former Veterans’ Affairs Minister, who (after a term in the sin bin) becomes Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme and Minister for Government Services.

27 May 2019 updated

Update 2 June 2019: Labor Shadow Ministry.

Update 5 June 2019: Administrative Arrangements Order. Paddy Gourley, former senior public servant, comments.
