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Lambert, Michael: Review of Fair Share by Stephen Bell and Michael Keating: Part I; Part II

Michael Lambert

‘Review of Fair Share by Stephen Bell and Michael Keating; Part I; Part II‘, Pearls and Irritations, 28-29 May 2018

The coverage of topics [in the Bell-Keating book] is extensive. While its overall theme is exploring the mitigation of competing economic claims in a modern market economy; it covers as well post- world war economic developments in Australia and overseas; an analysis of the role of investment in economic growth; trends and developments in the Australian labour market; economic inequality; household debt and real estate at home and abroad; strategies for economic development and restructuring; which are all given a strong coverage …

Part II of Lambert’s review has a handy list of ‘key findings’, plus a summary of the policy actions proposed by Bell and Keating, which cover macroeconomic policy on the demand side, education and training, innovation, housing affordability, income redistribution, and public investment.

Fair Share: Competing Claims and Australia’s Economic Future is published by Melbourne University Press. Bell is a Professor of Political Economy at the University of Queensland. Keating is a former Secretary of three Commonwealth departments. The book was launched in three cities by Paul Keating, John Hewson and Chris Bowen.

This lengthy review by a former Secretary of the NSW Treasury takes up many issues related to the resources on inequality collected by Honest History. The gap between Australia’s egalitarian ideals and our current reality is also a major theme of The Honest History Book, with articles by Stuart Macintyre and Carmen Lawrence.