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Labor Herald unfolds again

One of the recurring themes of Australian political history has been the rise and fall of Labour newspapers. The ALP has relaunched the Labor Herald as an online journal, a few years after its previous incarnation was executed or fell on its sword.

Honest History, as a tiny battler in the crowded field of media with a cause – in our case, mythbusting and balance-restoring in history – wishes the latest Labor Herald well. We hope it goes better than many of its predecessors, the history of which is summarised in a corner of the Labor Herald website. A photograph below of the great Labour editor, Henry Boote, is offered as a christening present – Henry is the one on the right and the National Library caption says, correctly, that he is ‘sitting on a park bench with another man’ – along with an apposite cartoon.

21 July 2015

BooteHenry Boote sitting on a park bench with another man, 1911-49 (National Library of Australia nla.pic-vn3550382

labor-unityCartoon by Len Fox of the State Labor Party, a faction that opposed both Lang and Curtin, 1943 (Marxists.org)