Honest History review roundup: the books we wrote up in 2018

It’s been a great year for history publishing in Australia. Honest History has had the privilege of publishing reviews of materials that discuss, interrogate and eloquently distill the multi-faceted realities of our country’s history. From Diane Bell’s stirring reflection on Clare Wright’s You Daughters of Freedom to Tjanara Goreng Goreng’s highly personal review of the Lydon and Ryan edited collection on the Myall Creek massacre, all of our reviewers continued to deliver astute, engaging reviews. We thank them for their contribution.

Honest History’s reviews during 2018 covered books on these topics:

If you’re heading down to your local independent bookshop these holidays, be sure to check out these titles and support Australian publishers and authors by investing in and engaging with these important stories. To paraphrase Diane Bell, ‘Read them … Share them … Start a conversation’.

Honest History’s reviews are found here, with the latest at the top of the list. You can scroll down and find reviews of a wide range of books, of a generally historical bent, along with the occasional movie or television show or periodical

Many thanks to our reviewers for 2018: Derek Abbott, Norman Abjorensen, Diane Bell, Frank Bongiorno, Alison Broinowski, Richard Broinowski, Pamela Burton, Vance Gainsborough, Rolf Gerritsen, Tjanara Goreng Goreng, Douglas Hynd, Mark McKenna, John Myrtle, Margaret Pender, Michael Piggott, Andrew Richardson, Lyndall Ryan, John Shield, Seumas Spark, Peter Stanley, David Stephens, Jane Stephens, John Warhurst, Gary Werskey and Ben Wilkie.

Merry Christmas!

Ellen Stephens, HH reviews coordinator

21 December 2018 updated

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