War Memorial expansion opponents appear before Public Works Committee, Tuesday, 14 July

The Public Works Committee (PWC) will hold a public hearing by teleconference next Tuesday, 14 July, into the Australian War Memorial Development Project. You can listen in on Parliament House Live. The hearing commences at 11.00am.

Reflecting the fact that more than 80 per cent of the 70 submissions received by the PWC (apart, of course, from the Memorial’s) were against the Memorial project, all of the witnesses before the PWC are against the project (again, apart from the Memorial). The program (pdf).

The witnesses are Dr David Stephens [submissions 15, 40] for Heritage Guardians, Professor Peter Stanley [39] (UNSW Canberra), Brendon Kelson [26] (former Director, AWM), Roger Pegrum [42] (architect), Major General Steve Gower [25] (former Director, AWM), Stewart Mitchell [17] (former senior officer, AWM), Australian Institute of Architects [61], Medical Association for Prevention of War (Australia) [48], represented by Dr Sue Wareham and Dr Margie Beavis, and Geoff Ashley [38] (architect and contributor to AWM Heritage Management Plan 2011).

Submission numbers for witnesses are in [ ] above. Submissions can then be found here (four pages of links). History of the Heritage Guardians campaign.

8 July 2020
