Taylor, Tony: Curriculum history and politics

Taylor, Tony

Curriculum: a matter of history … and politics‘, Monash University: News and Events, 5 October 2012

Analyses a recent speech by former prime minister Howard, referring also to the response to it from the curriculum authority. (The author comments similarly on Howard’s speech here.) The author, who helped develop the history curriculum, notes that

the study of history even at school level is not just about celebration nor is it just about commemoration. It is fundamentally about investigation and explanation. Commemoration and celebration are invariably individual, community and national responses to the past. Some of these responses are dignified and others are less so and they are the consequence of feelings and sentiments regarding how we observe the past. As such, they are open to classroom investigation and analysis.

The author here makes more general comments about the status of history in secondary schools. There is an Honest History Factsheet here which summarises points of view.

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