Recently on the Honest History website (25 July 2017)

We continue to move posts through the site fairly quickly so the place to go, if you know you have missed something or, indeed, to check what you may have missed unwittingly, is under our home page thumbnails, First Peoples, Inequality, and Top Recent Posts. Here’s some hints of what has landed there in the last few weeks:

  • Under our ‘special subject’ thumbnail, First Peoples, there are posts on constitutional change, prehistory, painting, praying, place, tourism, massacres, incarceration, and the Northern Territory intervention. There’s also a piece on an odyssey by an American journalist.
  • Our ‘special subject’ Inequality has seen material added on what the 2016 Census says about our current state as well as on the ‘drivers’ of inequality, such as neoliberal economics, homelessness, wages policy, educational disadvantage, and the digital divide. There’s also an article on how – taking account of historical trends for a number of drivers – targeted policy can make a difference.
  • Top Recent Posts includes posts on Australian values, national security, foreign policy, anti-terrorism, the Russian Revolution, the nature of history, the archaeology of waste, Indigenous archaelogy, aspects of health, trade unionism, cyber warfare, a new building at the Australian War Memorial, and how the Memorial cadges donations from arms manufacturers. There’s also a new tool for finding your way through old Hansards, plus reviews of the recent numbers of two journals, the collected writings of Donald Horne, and a re-released book about the Wobblies during the Great War. We also offer the Turkish president some advice on the refurbishment of memorials and monuments at Gallipoli.

Beyond that, we recommend a browse through the lists under Themes and Resources – or even use our Search engine. We do not claim that we write most of this material ourselves – we are information brokers as much as we are original thinkers and writers – but we try to be useful.

A word about links, especially links to the Australian War Memorial site

We know there are some dead links on our site and, other priorities permitting, we are starting to track them down. (Please tell us if you find some.) Any link from our site to the Australian War Memorial site may be problematic due to a recent (and still settling down) refurbishment of the Memorial site. We will try to fix these links over time but, if a link fails, one trick is to replace the www in the Memorial URL with the word oldsite. Thus becomes . Give it a shot. (Update 1 November 2017: this workaround no longer works. Try Google search.)

25 July 2017 updated
