Mutton, Katy: Post War project

Mutton, Katy

The Post War Project

The Post War Project is a year-long art/research project being undertaken by Australian Visual Artist Katy Mutton over 2015.  It is a year of research and art making based largely around the Australian Soldier Settlement scheme established as an initiative of the Commonwealth and State Governments to assist in the repatriation of servicemen returning from the First World War. The purpose of this site is to collate research and information and share the project outcomes as they develop. The creative outcomes will be shown in two exhibitions, the first at ANCA Gallery in Canberra in April 2015. The second is scheduled to open at the ADFA Building in Mildura in April 2016. (blurb)

Mutton notes that a lot is being recalled about the front line but she believes more needs to be said about what happened afterwards. Already the website includes letters and some family stories centred around the Red Cliffs area of Victoria.



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