Hess, Rob: Growth of women’s football has been a 100-year revolution – it didn’t happen overnight

Rob Hess

Growth of women’s football has been a 100-year revolution – it didn’t happen overnight‘, The Conversation, 3 February 2017

Marks the commencement of the Australian Football League Women’s competition. Hess is co-author with Brunette Lenkić of Play On! The Hidden History of Women’s Australian Rules Football. It says here and in the book that women’s Australian rules, ‘began in 1915, when 36 pioneering young women in modest and cumbersome outfits took to the field and showed that women belonged there, too’. Not only Anzac but also lots of other things, including women’s AFL.

Update 9 February 2017: An article from The Conversation (Lee McGowan) on the long history of women’s soccer in Australia.

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